Leonard Nimoy 1931-2015

Leonard Nimoy

A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP


When I was a kid I loved Star Trek, and Spock was a great influence on me growing up. I never wanted to be Kirk or Bones. They didn’t have the mental skill and control that Spock had. I was always attracted to characters that could carry out things by using mind over matter. This is the same reason I like Batman more than Superman or other superpower heroes.

Mr. Spock

Leonard Nimoy: Spock Vulcan Salute


As a kid, handling things more logically than emotionally was one of the things I try to emulate by watching Spock. I was mostly unsuccessful though. 😉 He was my favorite Star Trek character of all the Star Trek series and movies.

Adam West and Leonard Nimoy

Adam West Batman and Leonard Nimoy Spock playing the drums


Leonard Nimoy was a great actor and artist. He did more than just acting. He wrote and directed movies, was a successful photographer, and voice actor.

1967s Mariner V launch

NASA 1967’s Mariner V launch. Scientists wearing Spock-ears!


Live Long And Prosper My Opera: Spock

Leonard Nimoy 1931-2015

R.I.P. 😦

8 thoughts on “Leonard Nimoy 1931-2015

  1. He was an interesting character. Too bad that his only big role on movie was Spock (or maybe it was just perfect). It happens to some actors but a good side in his story is that he liked it.

    Btw, Spock was my most favourite character in Star Trek too, but Silver Surfer was my favourite superhero 😀

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